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Contributing to SEEK

We welcome all sorts of contributions to SEEK,

  • Non-developer contributions. These are contributions that can be made by anyone using SEEK.
    • Vote and comment other feature requests: Contact us please use the SEEK issue tracker.
    • Documentation: Are you reading the documentation and feel something could/should be better explained? Please read Contributing to these Pages
    • Reporting errors: We are also thankful if you spot errors or broken links.
  • Developer contributions These are contributions that can be made by other software developers.
    • Code tidying & bug fixes: Refactoring to improve quality is always welcome and a good way of starting contributing.
    • New features, major improvements, new subsystems: All of these need communication to check if they can be built in without breaking other efforts.

Before you start

Always read Report bugs and new features before you start, and contact us. It is possible the feature is already being looked at by another contributor and effort could be combined.

Changing and contributing code

The SEEK source code is available on GitHub at

The easiest way to contribute code (for both us and you) is to do so through GitHub. You can do so by creating a forked repository. Make you changes on a branch within your forked repository.

Once you have finished making your changes and wish to contribute them, you can do so by issuing a pull request.

If contributing through GitHub is unfamiliar to you, please read Contributing to Open Source on GitHub

For small changes emailing a patch file may be suitable.

Quality control

For a contribution to be accepted, we do have a few requirements.

  • Code should follow the Ruby Style Guidelines. Our gems include the tool Rubocop, which can be used to check against the guidelines and (with care) automatically fix some issues.
  • Where practical, tests should be added to cover your changes, and all existing tests should pass. The continuous integration tool: Travis is useful to checking your tests as your work. Be pragmatic, don’t spend 2 days writing tests for a 5 minute 2 line fix!
  • Code should be clear, and in some cases we may request some documentation.