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Upgrading to SEEK 0.18

Backing up

We always recommend you backup before doing an upgrade, but in this case it is even more important. Please read our Backup Guide for details on what to backup and some tips on how to do so.

Upgrading a Production SEEK

If you run SEEK in a production environment, first set your environment variable. You will need to do this if you open a new shell part way through the backup.

export RAILS_ENV=production

Stopping Services

If you use init.d scripts to start and stop the Delayed Job or Solr Search services, please stop them using that script. Otherwise do:

./script/delayed_job stop
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:stop

Installing Package dependencies

Please install the packages described in the Installation Guide. If you are running a production server, please also install the packages described in the Production Installation Guide

Installing Ruby 1.9.3 with RVM

If you are upgrading a production service, we recommend installing RVM as the www-data user, or installing it system wide. Please check the Production Installation Guide for details about creating a home directory as www-data and how to switch to that user before carrying out the following steps.

We strongly encourage that you use RVM for managing your Ruby and RubyGems version. Although you can use the version that comes with your linux distribution, it is more difficult to control the version you use and keep up to date.

To install RVM follow the steps at . The current basic installation method is to run:

\curl -L | bash

to save restarting your shell run:

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

now install Ruby 1.9.3

rvm install ruby-1.9.3

you may be asked for your password so that some additional packages can be installed. You will then need to wait for Ruby to be downloaded and compiled.

This version of SEEK has been developed and tested using Rubygems version 1.8.25. This is the version installed with Ruby 1.9.3 at the time of writing this, but to be sure run:

rvm rubygems 1.8.25

Now you just need to create the Gemset for SEEK. RVM allows what it calls Gemsets to seperate the gems installed, in isolation from each other, for different applications. To create the gemset run:

rvm gemset create seek

And finally

rvm use ruby-1.9.3@seek
gem install bundler

Fetching and Updating SEEK

You are now ready to fetch the SEEK code and start upgrading. Make sure your RAILS_ENV is still set to production if necessary.

hg pull -r v0.18.3
hg update
hg merge # only required if you've made changes since installing. If you have you may need to deal with conflicts.
hg commit -m "merged" # likewise - only required if you made changes since installing
bundle install --deployment

You now need to edit the config/database.yml file, and change the adaptor setting from mysql to mysql2.

If you are unsure what to change, have a look at config/database.default.yml.

Then continue with:

bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake seek:upgrade
bundle exec rake tmp:assets:clear
bundle exec rake tmp:clear

Converting the database

This bit is a bit fiddly, but is required to update your mysql database to correctly report UTF-8. If you know of a cleaner way to do this then please let us know!

If your database is already UTF-8 encoded, you don’t need to convert.

First refer to config/database.yml to check the database name, and the username and password you use.

The following commands help you to check the current encoding, but replacing mysql_username and database_name:

mysql -u <mysql_username> -p <database_name>
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%';

If the value of variable character_set_connection is not UTF-8, you need to convert.

If the current encoding is latin1, please follow the next steps to convert it to UTF-8.

First, make a dump of the database using the following:

mysqldump -u <mysql_username> -p --opt --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset  <database_name> > seek_db.sql

Now a couple of commands to change the contents of the dump

sed -e 's/CHARSET=latin1/CHARSET=utf8/g' seek_db.sql > seek_db_utf8.sql
sed -e 's/COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci//g' seek_db_utf8.sql > seek_db_converted.sql

Now refresh the database from the dump:

mysql -u <mysql_username> -p <database_name> < seek_db_converted.sql

If you have started up SEEK before doing this conversion you may need to clear the SEEK cache:

bundle exec rake tmp:clear

You can now clear out the intermediate files:

rm seek_db.sql seek_db_utf8.sql seek_db_converted.sql

Updating the init.d scripts

If you use init.d scripts to start and stop the Delayed Job, Solr Search and Soffice services, you may need to update these (you will need to be a user with sudo access to update these scripts).

Solr Search -

Delayed Job -

Soffice -

Starting up SEEK and the Services

You can now startup the services, either using the init.d scripts or by running:

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start
./script/delayed_job start

If you don’t use SEEK with Apache, the command to start it is now:

bundle exec rails server

Updating Passenger Phusion

If you run SEEK with Apache, you may find you need to update and reconfigure Apache and Passenger Phusion. Please follow the steps in this section of the Production Installation Guide